Cosmological Conflicts - Part 3

Cosmological Conflicts [Part 3]
22 March 2004.
After Subh prayer...At Palestine, one of the mosque...
Son 1 : Ya Abi, I think I heard the sound of chopper wandering outside. If I am not mistaken. Let us stay here for a while, until the heli disappeared. Is it okay?
Yassin : No son, (calmly), I have waited them for years.
Son 1 : Emm, ok then, Insya Allah, Allah is with us. Right Abi?
Yassin : Insya Allah. (Like knowing something, knowing that he's gonna meet his Lover.)
He pushed his da's wheelchair. Suddenly, F-12 flew upon them. Noisy one. For them, it is normal for a warplane to soar above them, but today, it seems a little bit different. This agile jet flew very close to the ground. Yes! As he thought, there's something on the run. He let his eyes going wild, checking. Then, there it is! Yes, he was right. The moment he accelerated his father's wheelchair, the Apache chopper was already in front of them. He knew it, the noise of the F-12 covered the noise of the approaching Apache, what a plan!
In the Apache...(two of Israeli's best commandos)
Commander 1 : Checking, target locked.
Commander 2 : Huh? You don't even need to lock him, he's paralyzed. Don't you remember?
Commander 1 : Yeah, that's right, still, he commands the best military force in the world. HAMAS. Even us feared them.
Commander 2 : OK2, just do our order! Let's blow his head.
Son 1 : Abi, there's a chopper! I knew it.
Yassin : Do not worry son, I have waited them. I knew they would come soon. Now the moment.
A few seconds later..BOMMMMM!!!!
Israeli Apache, fired the Hellfire Missile, killing Sheikh Ahmad Yassin and his two bodyguards, instantly, and 9 bystanders. 12 injured, including his son, lived to tell this.
Israel, an illegal nation, sitting in the fourth rank in the weaponry technologies of the world, killed a paralyzed old man, using their best commandos, in their most advanced missile, and their most powerful helicopter, just to make the old man, vanished......And what do we do after years?
In the same century.....
Setelah ''steady-state'' teori telah pun ditolak oleh para saintis, mengejutkan, lahir pula beberapa teori yang lebih moden. MasyaAllah, mereka tetap tidak mahu mengalah. Golongan materialis telah datang dengan beberapa lagi model yang agak hebat. Antaranya, ''oscillating model'' dan juga ''quantum universe model''. Kita akan kaji model-model ini secara kasar satu persatu.
Oscillating Model
Dalam usul model ini, saintisnya mengatakan bahawa alam ini merupakan satu daripada 'oscillating system'. Macam mana? Ok. Mari Karim beri satu analogi, contohnya pendulum bob yang kita selalu main dalam makmal. Sebelum ia mula 'oscillate' kita perlu tarik dia ke maximum amplitude. Lepas itu, kita lepaskan, bola itu akan bergerak kiri dan ke kanan. Sekarang kita bayangkan, model itu membayangkan alam itu seperti pendulum ini, ia akan mengembang dan mengecut secara infintiy. Kalau bola itu takkan oscillate secara infinite di bumi ini sebab damping process berlaku, energy is dissipated to the surroundings, sebab air resistance, gravity and others.. Tapi dalam model ini, alam kita oscillate infinitely, tapi still dalam sistem ini, damping process berlaku tapi dalam bentuk entropy. Setiap kali satu complete oscillation berlaku, alam ini akan memindahkan amount of entropy kepada oscillation seterusnya. Entropy itu apa? Hard to explain, dia Second Law of Thermodynamics, tak silap Karim. Begini analogy dia, Entropy refers to jumlah kecelaruan atau apa-apa yang seerti. Contohnya, kereta. Kita beli kereta baru, kemudian kita biar lama-lama. Kita tak boleh jangka yang kereta itu akan baik sebagaimana yang kita tinggalkan. Kereta itu mesti dah berhabuk, engine oxidation and rusting must be massive, tayar mesti dah kecut, and banyak lagi. Itu lah yang dimaksudkan dengan entropy. Ha, sambung, so dalam pengiraan model ini, setiap oscillation akan memindahkan an amount of entropy kepada alam seterusnya. Ini menunjukkan yang alam ini lama kelamaan akan hilang lebih banyak tenaga, 'opening' akan jadi lebih besar dan alam ini akan mengecil lama kelamaan dan ia adalah logik untuk alam ini menjadi 'tiada'. Nak tak nak, alam ini mesti diwujudkan kerana wujudnya term 'tiada'. Saintis itu sendiri terperangkap dengan calculation nya sendiri. Lagipun, laws of physics offer no reasons kenapa alam yang sedang mengembang dengan begitu pesat tiba-tiba perlu mengecut, begitu juga sebaliknya, kenapa alam yang dah collapse into a single point perlu meletup dan mengembang balik. Again, model ini ditolak dengan mudah oleh para saintis yang mahukan bukti saintifik. Subhanallah...
Quantum Universe Model
Model ini berasaskan pemerhatian di dalam quantum physics (subatomic). Dalam pemerhatian itu, dapat dilihat subatomic particles appear dan disappear spontaneously dalam vacuum. Oleh itu, atheis menyimpulkan bahawa 'matter can originate at quantum level', jadi ini juga menjadi ciri-ciri matter. Oleh itu, mereka menyimpulkan bahawa alam ini juga mengikut law ini, alam seperti subatomic particles, cuma yang lebih besar. Tapi, beberapa orang telah menentang model ini, salah seorangnya ialah William Lane Craig, author of The Big Bang: Theism and Atheism, :
A quantum mechanical vacuum spawning material particles is far from the ordinary idea of a "vacuum" (meaning nothing). Rather, a quantum vacuum is a sea of continually forming and dissolving particles, which borrow energy from the vacuum for their brief existence. This is not "nothing," and hence, material particles do not come into being out of nothing.
So in quantum physics, matter "does not exist when it was not before". What happens is that ambient energy suddenly becomes matter and just as suddenly disappears becoming energy again. Wah, this would really make me surprise. When I think about quantum physics, automatically my cerebrum will trigger my amigdala to produce such an emotion, funny one that makes me remember Syazwan. Once, in the chemistry seminar SPM, last year, he asked teacher about this. He asked, the thing we touch, what is it actually, is it the nucleus, or the electron? He kept saying that if the thing we touch is electron, then electron will langgar-langgar badan kita, keluar lah dari orbitnya, untuk revolve around the nucleus. Haha, the SBPI teacher was stunned, and Cg Zalina pun gelak juga. Haha, even Karim tak tahu jawapan dia, but I will explain the atomic properties in the next episode. Even now, Karim is laughing thinking about him. Such a Tiny friend.
So, mari kita derive, dapat kita lihat, golongan atheis dan materialis akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk membuktikan bahawa mereka benar, namun, Allah Maha Berkuasa, yang membuktikan Kuasanya di hadapan orang-orang kafir sendiri. Tapi, ada juga yang mengaku salah, contoh British Materialist H. P. Lipson, albeit "unpleasantly":

If living matter is not, then caused by the interplay of atoms, natural forces, and radiation, how has it come into being?…I think, however, that we must…admit that the only acceptable explanation is creation. I know that this is anathema to physicists, as indeed it is to me, but we must not reject that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it.
3 years ago....
In the assembly, Minggu AL Quds, when the boycott campaign is launched, someone came and spoke, she said that the boycotts campaign does not mean anything, we are living in a small country, boycott won't do anything, then she reads her analysis, saying the econmical value and what so ever, lastly she said we do not need to boycott, think wiser.
After she said that, Karim felt the rage in Karim, and around Karim, there's a few who had expressed their unsatisfaction through their face, luckily, the MC, who was Karim's role model quickly said, Boycott do have effects, then he said that few KFCs and MCDs had been closed in Egypt, and a few places, and then he said by boycotting, at least we have the efforts. In Islam, we just do, the result is Allah's call, not ours. Like 'usaha, doa, and tawakkal'. He did use an analogy, he told about a small bird during the burning of Prophet Ibrahim (I will not change his name into ABraham, that's a ridiculous notion), who was trying to put out the fire by pouring water using its little beak. Think back, what is the effect? (I will be using 'is' as there will be no effects by the bird, nearest just an effect). Know what the bird said, at least when Allah asked the bird, he can answer Him. As Hujjah.
So, what do we do? I proudly admit, that I boycott things. As 'sedaya upaya' as I could. Sometimes, when I heard poeple said that we can't boycott things, because it is our basis, if we do the boycott, we need to buy other not-too-quality products, including Malaysians! You know what, Boycott is sacrifice. If the Palestinian had done their parts, why don't we sacrifice just few of our 'lives'? Don't be to teddy la. At least I have the answer in front of Allah. Then after the boycott, some of them still do not want to do it. Said that some of the company did not give their shares. Sometimes, no, most of the times, to think about this, it is a child thinking level. Let us say, KFC was bought by the family of the state, and there were rumours that no more shares are given to the Israel, but note that KFC is a franchise company. There's no way in the economical law (I have been read on this) that a franchise company does not give any share at all to its domain, there must be. So, those who said that there were no shares given, I assume whether they do not know, or they are just lying to themselves to place or to justify themselves in a comfortable position.
One more situation, a little bit sakit hati, once, last year after Al-Quds week, there's a few who ordered Domino's. Indeed, the 'motor' went in Al Amin, and gave the Pizza to them. And then, with muka tak malu, they brought the pizza, but strangely, they were the AJKs. They told us to boycott things, but nevermind, Karim assume they do not know, still, they were the net guys, who have internet at their homes. Again, Karim want to emphasize, Domino and Starbukcs are Israelis. That's all.


Anonymous said...

Very good post. Yup. I agree with the Dominos..Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

err..apa kata besarkan sikit tulisan tu? hehe... xselesa la baca tulisan kecil sgt..sakit mata..terima kasih.

Nabilah-LilyPatel said...

salam... i Agree 100%... boycots really works if all muslims take part... but who is 'she' that give the speach?

Firas said...

cud u giv da list of boycott item?
or maybe da source where do ya get it? like websites?

Firas said...

another one,
where do ya read those materials 'bout physics?
they DO amaze me.(auxiliary verb)

Anonymous said...

salam.saya x sokong tindakan kita nk memboikot barang amerika.tahukah anda semue,yang ekonomi kita bergantung pade amerika,dan sedarkah kita yang ramai org2 melayu beragama islam mencari rezeki mereka dengan bekerja di restoren amerika.jika kita memboikot barangan amerika,sudah tentula,ekonomi mereka terjejas,dan ekonomi kita juge turot terjejas.seperti yang kita tahu,amerika yg mengunekan ekonomi yang kalaw ekonomi mereka jatuh,negare yg bergantung pade mereka juga turot terjejas??masalah nyer,malaysia adalah salah satu negare yg bergantung pade ekonomi amerika!!ape akan jd pade negare?dh la sekarang ramai yg menggangur.byk jenayah sbb tiada pekerjaan dan mcm2.nak ke kite menjadi negare yg mundur seperti india dan lain2?jadi kita perlu berfikir panjang sebelom bertindak!

walaubagaimanapn,setiap masalah ade penyelesaian,seperti yg dicadangkan oleh tun dr mahathir muhammad,kita perlu menukar dasar ekonomi negara yg x bergantung pada amerika!beliau pernah mencadangkan tetapi kerajaan menolak.jadi pada saya,jika kita menukar dasar ekonomi negare yg tidak bergantung pada amerika,dgn mengeluarkan product negara sendiri,ini dpt melumpuhkan ekonomi amerika tanpa menjejaskan ekonomi negara sendiri.saya harap pandangan saye tidak dikecam.maaf jika ade perkataan yg menyinggung.saya manusia biase yg penuh dgn kecacatan.:)

Firas said...

For me,
it is true that we are depending on America.
However, if pejuang HAMAS yang telah disekat macam2 tu tetap boleh berjuang dengan terelnye, why we need 2 mengalah kepade bende2 macam ni.
Bukan mati pon memboikot.
Kalo da ade rase tanggungjawab terhadap ekonomi, bangunkanla.
Tak semestinye kite kene stat dengan ubah dasar.
Macam la kite takleh nak bangunkan ekonomi tu sendiri. Tolong fikir ape yang KITE boleh bwat bukan tuding jari kat orang laen.
Da banyak syarikat muslim Malaysia yang membangun sekarang ni.
What i'm saying is not a promotion but it is true that HPA Industries da jadi international da.
Pasal Radix Fried Chicken, abes jatuh keuntungan kfc n mcd kat sg. petani.
Sape kate kite x leh bangun sendiri.
Ape yang penting?
Jangan mara la yek?
Wahai tizet seorang.
I'm just giving my opinion.
It is just an opinion.

Anonymous said...

YEs. Ana agree dengan korang sumer. Xpe2, just said ur opinion, kal salah kita salong menegur ye. Hm, pasal dinar memang betul, tulah, ana pun tnggu jugak bila,tapi kalau nk dbndingkan dengan pgorbanan kita apelah sgt, ana pun cm serba salah, wat ana boleh buat, derma, doa, post, and rallying, volunteering on the way, daftar dah. ana just takut, kat akhirat, bygkan sen yg kita belanja juga la jd peluru. ana mmg seram. Tapi takpe, do post ur comments here, moga kita open minded in the islamic way. insya allah.

Anonymous said...

ana tak setuju dgn tizat.kalau betul hang percaya pada asma' Allah (Allah Maha Pemberi Rezeki), hang tak takut nak hilang harta demi membantu Islam.itulah muslimin sekarang,tak percaya pada Yg Khaliq.

Kalau kita bantu agama DIA, confirm DIA bantu kita. itu janji DIA kepada kita. hang tak percaya dgn kata2 DIA? recheck your iman.

Anonymous said...

Melumpuhkan ekonomi sahaja tak berguna, sila berusaha bangkitkan ekonomi anda agar kita mampu dapat cari peluang, bangkitkan Islam kembali disamping tak menyusahkan orang Islam dalam membeli barangan keperluan mereka..

Sekadar 'berpadan muka' pada Amerika tak jd~~

Anonymous said...


kepade someone.ape hak anda nk ckp mcm tu.saya percaye dgn jnj kita perlu memikirkan kesan nyer.awk seolah-olah mengatekan saye ne xde iman??kalaw la x setuju dgn pendapat seseorg tu,tolong la jage hati dan perasaan,saye hanye menyatakan pendapat.dan saye juga tlh memberitahu care laen yg bole kita buat selain dr memboikot.kalaw lah awk x setuju sekali pon,tlg jgn sampai FITNAH dan buat org tersinggung

Firas said...

owh, sori2 wahai tizet.
bdak2 biase lah camni...
baru blaja bergaul la katekan :)

kite saling tegur-menegur
n maaf-memaafkan la ye
tu lebeh baek

Anonymous said...

sila baca sampai anda faham~~

Anonymous said...

Relax. Cool. Tersalah kata mgkn.

Anonymous said...

beri respon yang rasional dengan panduan akal yang ada
bukan emosi~~

perkongsian yang menarik~~
salam ziarah~~ ^.^