A riddle.


Ramai yang buat post teka teki. Ni ada satu yg hebat. Try it. Memang gempak bg yg dpt merungkai jawapannya. There was an ex-alamin who could solve it, yet again, his logic's extraordinary good. And to those few person's who already been given the riddle, and knew the answer, pls keep it to your self. :)

5 students and 1 monkey are in a deserted island, they all gather coconuts then goes sleep. The 1st student wakes-up and divides all the coconuts into 5 shares with 1 extra coconut that he gives to the monkey, she then hides his part of the share and goes back to sleep; The 2nd student wakes-up and divides all the left-over coconuts into 5 shares which also results into 1 extra coconut that she also gives to the monkey, she also hides her share; The 3rd, 4th, and 5th student also do this. What is the minimum number of coconuts possible in the given situation?

Ok, selamat mencuba.
Like Lurhaf said, "sila postkan jawapan anda di bahagian comment ^_^ [ana tahu sumer yg visit blog nie bijak2 belaka]".



BitterSweet said...

haha..ana da pernah jawab dah soalan ni dulu...ada banat bagi..

Mohd Fahrulradzi said...

"he gives to the monkey, she then hides his part"

she?,., mayb typing error kowt,., ok2,., papepon, ana dah bace riddle nie,., and ana terima cabaran utk solvekan riddle nie,., agak2 ana dah jumpe nanti,., ana post jawapan die kat cnie yer [tuh pun kalau ana jumpe lah] hahaha,.,


*pikey2 balik,., jawapan die cam impossible,., sebab everytime die divide by 5 akan ade satu lebeyh,., erm, ader kemungkinan x kalau biler student2 laen tuh bgn,., derang tambah sendiri [kutip lagi] bilangan cocunut tuh?

maksudnyer, ader kemungkinan x student2 tuh,., buat camnie:

b)divide coconuts yg tinggal kepada lima bahagian
c)bahagi 1 yg lebeyh kepada monkey tuh
d)sembunyikan bahagian sendiri
e)"tambah lagi bilangan coconut tuh" [kutip sendiri]
f)tidur balik

step e) tuh mungkin ke?

~just pandangan je,., rasenyer x btul,., xper2,., ana carik lg jawapan yg btul,., hmmm

Mohd Fahrulradzi said...

cop2.,., camnie ke?

everytime sorang student bgn,., die akan agih coconuts tuh kepada 5 bahagian,., lepastuh akan ade satu lebeyh [die kasik kat monkey],., lepastuh die akan simpan 1/5 (bhgian die) and tgglkan the rest 4/5,.,

let the coconuts left everytime each students woke up be 'C':

student 1st bgn: bahagi coconut kepada 5 bahagian,., ader satu lebeyh kasik monkey,., then sembunyikkan 1/5(bahagian die),., tgglkan 4/5 yg lebeyh tuh,.,

so,., senang cerite,., die jadik camnie lepas student sambung balik tidur,.,

4/5[sebab die dah amik 1/5]x('c'[coconuts]-1[yg die kasik monkey tuh]

jadiknyer: ** 4/5 x ('c'-1)

** aturan [formula] yg same berulang everytime student2 len bangun,.,

skrg nie,., bilangan coconuts yg asal[initial amount] plak kiter simbolkan as 'A':

untuk dapat jawapan direct drpd ape yg kite ade,., it's impossible,., sbb, equation nie*:


*equation nie symbolize the repetitive steps yg each students buat,., and 'A' aderlah jumlah initial coconuts tuh,.,

*ana cakap impossible sebab A die wajib nombor bulat [sebab coconuts mane de pecah2],., so, equation atas tuh x bleh pakai,.,

skrg nie,., ana ader 3 jer soalan kepada KARIM yg sangat2 genius bikin soalan macam nie:

1) soalan tuh cam tak complete,., sebab anta x state samada lepas sumer student tuh buat mende yg same,., ader ke x lagi coconut last2?

2) bleh x kalau kiter buat equation sendiri [tambah no illusi kat bilangan coconuts tuh untuk bolehkan die terbahagi dengan 5 everytime students2 tuh buat mende yg same? lepastuh,., kat akhir pengiraan, ana buang balik no illusi tuh,., boleh x?] for example,., ana tambah 4 or -4,., sebab biler buat camnie,., bleh dapat kowt jawapan die,.,

3) argh~!! sape yg tergamak antara KARIM2 sekalian untuk buat soalan pecah otak camnie??

~salam,., bitau yer bleh ke x yg soalan no2 tuh,., kalau boleh, nanti ana jelaskan camne ana boleh dapat jawapan,., ^_^

Mohd Fahrulradzi said...

soalan 1 tuh pun tolong jawab yer,., sebab akan ade jawapan yg len untuk situasi yg len,., maksud ana: kalau student 5th [last skali] bgn and bahagikan kepada lima bahagian lagi,., pastuh amik 1/5 tuh,., and tinggalkan 4/5 lepas kasik 1 yg lebeyh kat monkey tuh,.,

biler sumer students bgn nanti, for surelah akan ader lagi coconuts kan?

coconuts yg lebeyh biler derang bangun tuh,., derang buat ape? bahagikan lagi sekali ke? bia je ke?

*maksudnyer, coconuts2 yg lebeyh tuh,., aper 'keadaan die'?

kalau keadaan die camnie: biler students2 tuh bgn, lepas tuh sekali lagi derang bahagikan lima,., sorang amik 1/5,., and tetap ader satu lebeyh untuk monkey tuh,., ana rase ana bleh jawab soalan nie,.,

cepat2 wahai KARIM,., lengkapkan soalan anda~!! ^_^

Mohd Fahrulradzi said...

ini jawapan ana:

5^6-(5-1)= 'A' [the initial amount of the coconuts]

** -(5-1)=-4 (tolak nombor illusi yg ana letak awal2 untuk bolehkan setiap kali formula 4/5 x ('C'-1) diulang,., coconuts2 tuh boleh terbahagi dengan 5)

** 4/5×4/5×4/5×4/5×4/5×4/5×('A'+4)=(4/5)^6 x ('A'+4)

'A' wajib nombor bulat,., so, nombor bulat plg kecik yg 'A' berkemungkinan jadik [untuk memenuhi tuntutan formula atas tuh] adelah 5^6,., tuh lah sebab ana ringkaskan die jadik camnie:

5^6-(4)=15621 bijik coconuts [banyak nyer~!!]

erw,., secare logiknyer, kalau btul2 ikut situasi yg ana jelaskan dalam third comment ana,., nie lah jawapan yg ana rase plg munasabah,., unless, ini adelah some sort of riddle games that have nothing to do with mathematics,., ana dah mensia2kan 5 jam 15 minit ana utk pikeykan jawapan yg bukan jawapan pon,., haisshh~!!


Anonymous said...

Lurhaf nampaknya memang berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan jawapan yang betul. Kagum!

As-Syukri said...

"she then hides his part.."

...dah she mane bley his, kalo she mesti ah her... ini tidak adil!!

Anonymous said...

wahahaha!! fahrul dah gile!! ni soklan riddle lah, mane involve math2 ni.. sah la hang dah bazir 5 jam tuh~

Anonymous said...


mas syarep said...

tak paham.....-_-...

Anonymous said...

keep the answer and the way to the answer a secret eh :)

your answer's wrong [15621]and the question's complete.
Mungkin kurang difahami.
Bila pembahagian terakhir dilakukan, tiada kokonut yg tinggal, tiada baki.
Dan typo, hanyalah typo.Maaf takleh jwb soalan2 anda secara terperinci, kemudahan terhad.
Try again :)

thaaqhib said...

erm..berminat nak jawab, bru abes exam..cuma ada hal sgt2 3 hari ke depan ni.
erm..kalau simpan lagi 4 hari leh? i'll try to solve it. I.allah. messing around dgn hal2 sekitar after-exam

lurhaf? tak faham soalan ke? bile org dah bagi justifikasi, ikut je la.. huh!

grammar salah~ layan je.

Anonymous said...


thaaqhib said...
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Anonymous said...

ini lah riddle yg involve math...
more to logic...haah, memang ada sorg kelas kami dpt solve wihout any clue, nama dia rahsia la...tp mmg die complete genius la...no wonder...tp IQ continuous variation, so, environment main peranan, mari2,,try lagi...hhaha

Anonymous said...

salam. jawapannya 525? nk dptkan kepastian..

Anonymous said...

ops. kalau salah, 30 ka?