Cosmological Conflicts [Part 2]
3.5 Years ago...Karim was in form 2
Mama : Karimm!! What have you done?! Tell me. I do not wanna hear it from anyone else.
Karim : Gulp! Me? What I have done? Mama, actually it is not as bad as the ustaz had told you mama. Really.
Mama : Ok. Now, get up and tell me everything. Mama want you to be honest with me..What had made ustaz caned you? Your hands were very red. And this time, I do not have any sympathy for you, you find the problems yourself.
Karim : Ok Mama. I am sorry. Very sorry. It all started when me and my friend, fled from the class and hide in the toilet, 'lepak' actually. Then, he suddenly took one of the 'pemadam api' and then pressed it. Those toilet was filled with white powder, and then teacher arrived at the crime scene. And then, Mama know the rest. hmm..I am sorry.
Mama : Hmm.Ok. You are grounded for a week. No TV, no Red Alert. Final!
Karim : Ok Mama, sorry.
Karim : Ok Mama, sorry.
Karim shook her hands and kissed her, as a sign of sorry. Tears dropped, as Karim remember, not because the pain of the caning, but for dissapointing my mum. Pain of the caning was still flowing that time, at the moment the 'rotan' hits Karim's hand, so pain, like the blood cells is vibrating in the vessels. And that had taught Karim something. Thank you Ustaz, for caning me.
Middle of 20th century...
Middle of 20th century...
Hubble's discovery that the universe was expanding led to the emergence of another model that needed no fiddling around with to make the equations work right. If the universe was getting bigger as time advanced, going back in the time meant that it was getting smaller; and if one went back far enough, everything would shrink and converge at a single point. The conclusion to be derived from this model was that at some time, all the matter in the universe was compacted in a single point-mass that had 'zero volume' because of its immense gravitational force. Our universe came into being as the result of the explosion of this point-mass that had zero volume. This explosion has come to be called the ''big bang'' and its existence has repeatedly been confirmed by observational evidence.
The 'steady-state' hypothesis
The 'steady-state' hypothesis
Sejak penemuan redshift, teori Big Bang diterima oleh dunia sains pada masa itu, kerana buktinya yang cukup kukuh. Namun, dalam peralihan pendapat itu, masih terdapat saintis yang masih ingin mempertahankan ideologi mereka. Sebabnya, terlalu jelas bagi kita, yang ini adalah tanda wujudnya pencipta. English Astronomer, Arthur Eddington said " 'philosophically' the notion of an abrupt beginning to the present order of Nature is repugnant to me."
Pada waktu ini, wujud lah seorang saintis yang telah mengemukakan model baru, Fred Hoyle with his hypothesis. Kita boleh anggap idea ini extension untuk idea 'infinite universe' tapi versi yang lebih kemas dan lengkap. Fred, menerima alam ini mengembang, namun dia masih proposed dasar alam ini infinite dari segi masa dan dimensi. Model ini mendasarkan bahawa alam ini mengembang kerana matter secara continuously terjadi dalam ukuran yang cukup-cukup untuk mengekalkan universe ini dalam 'steady-state'. Maaf kalau pembaca tak faham, imagine lebih sikit, insya allah faham. Model ini secara tak langsung masih mengekalkan paradigma materialis dan amat-amat berbeza dengan model Big Bang. Supporters of Fred Hoyle 's theory remained adamantly opposed to the Big Bang for years. Science however was working against them.
The triumph of Big Bang- sign of Creation of a Creator
The triumph of Big Bang- sign of Creation of a Creator
In 1948, George Gamov teruskan pengiraan Lemaitre lagi dalam, dan dia telah menemui satu lagi cara untuk memastikan bahawa Big Bang benar-benar berlaku. Dia merasakan jikalau Big Bang pernah berlaku, mesti ada sisa(remnants) daripada letupan itu, yang boleh dikesan, dikira dan dikaji, serta kesan itu mestilah 'uniform' throughout alam ini. Masya Allah, Allah Maha Merancang, pada tahun 1965 dua orang kamceng ; Arno Penzias dan Robert Wilson telah berjaya menemui atau mengesan remnants tersebut, yang dinamakan "cosmic background radiation". Radiasi ini lain daripada yang lain kerana radiasi ini tak terletak pada satu-satu tempat sahaja, tak bersumber dan dispersed and distributed equally. Lama kemudian baru mereka sedar, inilah yang telah diramal oleh Pakcik Gamov, echo of the Big Bang yang masih ada sejak moment pertama Big Bang. Masya Allah. Malah jumlah radiasi itu sama seperti yang dikira oleh Gamov. Ekoran penemuan ini, kamceng tersebut dianugerahi Nobel Prize.
Usaha ini diteruskan oleh NASA pada 1989 yang telah menghantar satelit called COBE (Cosmic Background Emission Explorer). Hanya lapan minit sahaja satelit ini mencukupi untuk COBE mula mengesan radiasi tersebut. Radiasi yang dense dan panas ini yang tertinggal kesan Big Bang ini. Selain radiasi ini, satu lagi bukti yang telah berjaya menggugat 'steady-state' hypothesis; kiraan menunjukkan jumlah relatif hydrogen dan helium yang tinggal selepas Big Bang adalah sama dengan theoretical calculations. Sekali lagi, materialis terdiam. Hal ini kerana jikalau alam adalah dalam keadaan 'stedy-state', kiraan menunjukkan bahawa sudah tentu semua hydrogennya sudah habis terbakar jadi helium (Fusion reactions). Confronted by such evidence, the Big Bang gained the near-complete approval of the scientific world. Masya Allah, again God reveals the truth of His ayaat in front of the kuffar themselves.
What about the 'steady-state' hypo? Defending the theory along with Fred Holye, Dennis Sciama describes their predicament in the face of evidence for the Big Bang saying that he had first taken a stand along with Fred, but as evidence began to pile up, he had to admit that the game was over and the thory had to be dismissed.
Mari kita lihat apa kata mereka selepas Big Bang terbukti benar.....Layannnn
The atheist philosopher Anthony Flew commented on this point:
Notoriously, confession is good for the soul. I will therefore begin by confessing that the Stratonician atheist has to be embarrassed by the contemporary cosmological consensus. For it seems that the cosmologists are providing a scientific proof of what St. Thomas contended could not be proved philosophically; namely, that the universe had a beginning. So long as the universe can be comfortably thought of as being not only without end but also beginning, it remains easy to urge that its brute existence, and whatever are found to be its most fundamental features, should be accepted as the explanatory ultimates. Although I believe that it remains still correct, it certainly is neither easy nor comfortable to maintain this position in the face of the Big Bang story.
Notoriously, confession is good for the soul. I will therefore begin by confessing that the Stratonician atheist has to be embarrassed by the contemporary cosmological consensus. For it seems that the cosmologists are providing a scientific proof of what St. Thomas contended could not be proved philosophically; namely, that the universe had a beginning. So long as the universe can be comfortably thought of as being not only without end but also beginning, it remains easy to urge that its brute existence, and whatever are found to be its most fundamental features, should be accepted as the explanatory ultimates. Although I believe that it remains still correct, it certainly is neither easy nor comfortable to maintain this position in the face of the Big Bang story.
For instance, the American astrophysicist Hugh Ross proposes a Creator of universe, Who is above all physical dimensions as:
By definition, time is that dimension in which cause-and-effect phenomena take place. No time, no cause and effect. If time's beginning is concurrent with the beginning of the universe, as the space-time theorem says, then the cause of the universe must be some entity operating in a time dimension completely independent of and pre-existent to the time dimension of the cosmos. …It tells us that the Creator is transcendent, operating beyond the dimensional limits of the universe. It tells us that God is not the universe itself, nor is God contained within the universe.
By definition, time is that dimension in which cause-and-effect phenomena take place. No time, no cause and effect. If time's beginning is concurrent with the beginning of the universe, as the space-time theorem says, then the cause of the universe must be some entity operating in a time dimension completely independent of and pre-existent to the time dimension of the cosmos. …It tells us that the Creator is transcendent, operating beyond the dimensional limits of the universe. It tells us that God is not the universe itself, nor is God contained within the universe.
Masya Allah...inilah kawan-kawan, lihat lah, mereka sendiri mengakui wujudnya Tuhan. Like Dr Zakir Naik said, kita kena ucap tahniah kepada atheis. Mereka dah akui separuh kalimah tauhid. Asas mereka '' Tiada Tuhan''. Asas kita "Tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah."
3.5 years ago.......same years
Mama : Karim, why do you seems further from me day by day? Is anything wrong with you?
Karim : Nothing Mama, I am 'Okay'.
Mama : Are you sure? If you have anything to share or to tell, just go ahead okay. I am always here for you. Ok?
Karim : Okay Mama. Everything is Okay.
Mama : Ok. Just tell me, Mama know you have a problem. If you cannot cope it, ask for my help ok.
Karim speak slowly to himself : Sorry Mama, it's not that I do not wanna tell you, it is just, I am not myself now, and I hate to disappoint you. Sorry.
That year, when Karim was in form two, was a very dark year for Karim. Dark Age. Smoking, ponteng, and other bad deeds. Karim had tried all of it. Not for fame as others had done. But curiousity. Silently and systematically. Karim misused his intelligent swiftly. Ouch! Ashamed. To his God. Karim took a good step after a long one year had Karim dipped himself in the darkness, strangely, God was always with him. Allah guided Karim smoothly and nicely, eventhough Karim was away from his God for a long time. That day, after a long dark treason, Karim had finally done the right thing. Karim had boosted a Porn-Cd plan, and reported it to Ustaz. Hmm, unfortunately, one of Karim's friends told the boss. Luckily, God was with Karim all the time. At least, Karim has been saved from a planned ganking. Alhamdulillah. That Ramadhan, Karim placed himself in the Mosque, crying day after day, ashamed and feeling weird. "Why had God saved me, I have done many bad things, leaving most of my obligation? Why?". The answer went through Karim's heart gently, "Allah is the most gracious, the most merciful". He cried. Like a child. God had saved him from the dark valley, touched by His love, Karim took a new step, to start a new life with pure and clean identity.
"Langkah remajamu ditusuk sembilu, Kembara dewasamu diamuk nafsu"....Yes, he was right. My steps had once pierced my memories, remained as dark portions of memories, forbidden memories. Steps that had crashed many heart. Striking and slicing them, like the slashing of the Hidden Mitsurugi Style. Breaking and piercing, in the dark way, like the Jutsu of Tsukuyomi, Mangekyou Sharingan. Those who have feel it, may understand it. Allahummahdi syababal islam wa nisa'al muslimin. God, please show the right way for us! Amiin...
Next, the interference of more intel persons, refuting the Big Bang.
"Langkah remajamu ditusuk sembilu, Kembara dewasamu diamuk nafsu"....Yes, he was right. My steps had once pierced my memories, remained as dark portions of memories, forbidden memories. Steps that had crashed many heart. Striking and slicing them, like the slashing of the Hidden Mitsurugi Style. Breaking and piercing, in the dark way, like the Jutsu of Tsukuyomi, Mangekyou Sharingan. Those who have feel it, may understand it. Allahummahdi syababal islam wa nisa'al muslimin. God, please show the right way for us! Amiin...
Next, the interference of more intel persons, refuting the Big Bang.
3 years later, Karim became the HeadBoy. :)
cover blowed.
syahdu nih...
minta bantuan!! nak link yang btul2 kontemporari psal isu big bang..
syukran wsalam
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