With a gift, comes a heavy liability.

Salam to all readers of this blog, which of course hadn't read a single post since last 11th November. Well, first things first. SPM was Karim's priority and so, Karim had no choice. Nevertheless, now given the chance to type something, Karim feltthe enthusiasm to share something with everyone.

"With a gift, comes a heavy liability." - Anonymous.

After the burden and -as The Ex-Head Girl said- 'The Battle of the Brain' ended, Karim had times to watch a very interesting, bizarre and exceptionally awesome series, famously know and named as "Heroes". Heroes is a great, an epic to exaggarate, story created by Tom Kring. Filled with a mind-cracking story line, a powerful attraction to make audiences ponder and enhanced with none-stop CGI effects, Heroes just made Karim sat in front of the monitor all day long. 8/8, enough said.

The point is, Heroes like every other movies and series, came with messages. And here is where the quote above crosses the line of realm of fantasy into the world of reality.

To anyone who had watched or are watching the wonderful series, you'll probably have no confusions or no problems to fathom the words I am going to say. But to those who never heard about Heroes, I recommend you to grab it somewhere and just give it a try.

One of the main character is Peter Petrelli. We 'all' know about his abilities, the power to absorb other peoples' power making him special, even among specials. Alas, it was gifted with the consequences of a broken family, a non-stop-saving-the-world-life and all sorts of problems one could never imagine.

And theres the main villain, Sylar who would probably shocked those who had followed season I and II with his upcoming in season III. His obsolete power, the ability to understand how things work is uber cool (Although he kills other gifteds to gain theirs') Imagine, just by reading through the text books once (Emphasis: Once!!!), you will score a perfect 100% score in the SPM. :) Yet, it came with a heavy hunger and desire that never satisfies for more. Sylar kills and kills and his satisfaction somehow is never fulfilled. However, these are only dreams and imagination the so called humans derived from their awful real life.

So, whats the point of me showing all these nonsense craps you would ask. Well, frankly said, imaginative as it is, Tim Kring is showing us who we are and the life we're walking through. A guy who is given the power to govern, has the responsibilty to ensure all the needy ones are off hungers and have shelters to live. A sportsman who would win rm1000000 from our extra generous government had to keep down the pressure exerting from every directions onto him, as if he failed, the world ends. A student given the gift of a better mind and brain, always suffers side effects; unnessary inquisities and always judging, concluding from what he thought and not from what happened and they are often proved wrong. Heck, the best example would be, students given the opportunity of holidays. How are they spending it? Computers, city malls or books and helping parents.

In short words, with a gift, comes a heavy liability. Think about it and good luck spending your holidays. May God bless.


mcdshaker said...

season3 baru 10 episode dah ckup menarik...^o^

Anonymous said...

do one for prison break!
i think it deserves just as much applause as had been given to heroes Long Live Prison Break!