A New Series.

salam to all readers.
It's been awhile since Karim's last update. But that doesn't matter. Because today, Karim would want to start a new series. As we all know, the Quran, albeit indirectly revealed, contains secrets and signs of science. Things to be thought by those God named as Uluul Albaab and may we become one of them. Hope you enjoy and God bless.

And so, the ponders of the wonders by the words of the Creator begin.

PS: The followings are all theories made by Karim and a few friends. You could be skeptical and have a different idea. But just rememeber to "Take the goods, and throw away the bads." :)


Awau said...

May Allah blessed you all for good advise :)

Asif said...

Mr Ipoh, it shuld be ''bless''.
it is a modal auxiliary