Konvensyen Saudara Baru/Muslim Peringkat Wilayah
Iman aku menurun lagi.
Sekarang tepat pukul 2.55 pagi,dan aku masih belum tidur lagi.aku just nak share apa yang sedang bermain dalam fikiranku sekarang.
Sebenarnya,aku baru je lepas tengok satu movie,satu dokumentari,dan satu short video.Selalunya,kalau tengok movie aku mesti betulkan niat aku dulu since kadang-kadang niat aku melencong.LOLS(aku pun manusia bhai.haha)
Macam biasela weyh,kalo dah tengok cite omputih apa yang tak keluar?apa yang tak terhide?apa yang dorang nak sampaikan sebenarnya?Lady in red?Free sex?suami yang dah ada isteri still ada affair dengan perempuan lain.lagi-lagi perempuan tu dah berkeluarga. And you know what I mean right?
Dah habis cerita tu,aku review la sikit-sikit cerita apa lagi yang aku tak tengok.Tiba-tiba aku nampak satu ada satu folder dokumentari yang dah agak lama aku tak tengok.Dokumentari tu cerita pasal dunia akhir zaman.
“la tu pun ko nak btau ke?takkan ko tak tau pasal illuminati,freemanson,zionis,pakatan iran?LOSERR LA kauu!’’
Sabarlah dulu.ko ni pun.Bagi aku,aku suka tengok benda yang dapat isi hati aku.Entahlah,aku tak tahu nak explain macam mana lagi.Mungkin korang pun pernah rasa.
Analoginya,macam petang-petang korang pergi main bola/ragbi or wtv yang dapat kotorkan or lumpurkan badan(baju actually ;p) korang.Lepas tu korang balik mandi dan solat maghrib dalam keadaan yang tenang.Lagi-lagi kalau ada aircond.waahh.Tapi serious lah wey,bila kita exercise petang-petang, kita akan rasa lagi bertenaga kot,mood kau pun tak mudah swing(unless kalau kau nampak adik kau maghrib-maghrib masih lagi tengok Mr.Bean kat Disney Channel ditambah pulak bila adik kau menukarkan audio cerita bijak itu ke dalam Bahasa Malaysia.Tak tahulah pulak aku kalau mood kau tak swing :P)
Ok.kena tak analogi aku ni. -_-
Ala,aku nak cakap benda tu heavenlaa.
Bila tengok dokumentari tu banyak benda yang bermain dalam fikiran aku. Apa sebenanya tanggungjawab aku?ya,mungkin aku,korang ,semua orang tau apa tujuan hidup kita.Tapi apa yang kita dah buat?
Akulah terutamanya,entah apa yang aku kejarkan pun aku tak tau.aku tau cerita Kitaran Bodoh,tapi bila fikir-fikir balik,Kenapa aku macam menuju kearah tu?
Tadika,rendah,menengah,preparation/matrik/foundation/,degree/kerje,kawen,anak,tue,pencen,mati,kubur,syuga/neraka.haa setttel masalah!
Macam tu je masa berlalu.Nauzubillah.minta Allah jauhkan kita daripada benda tu.Amin
Lepas tu, aku tengok short video.Video tentang palestin.Video ni dah banyak kali aku tengok terutamanya zaman sekolah dulu.Aku rasa korang pun tau video tu.Ala,video yang ada scene budak menangis sambil berteriak and luahkan “ABI,AINA ANTA YA ABI!?’’and ada lah scene tentera zionis,pukul,rampas harta orang palestin,pukul perempuan,pukul orang tua,pukul budak kecik yang kalau datang Malaysia konfem orang cakap comel.
Celaka siaal!
Video ni memang buat aku menangis tengah-tengah malam ni.sedih dooh,sedara kita kat sana kena seksa.sedara kita tu wey.Ko bayangkan mak yang kau sayang kena sepak-sepak-sepak-sepak-sepak terajang dengan askar.(Haiz.nak tulis sepak banyak kali pun aku dah tak sanggup apa lagi melaluinya.).Ada orang pegang kepala adik kau lepas tu pukul-pukul-pukul-pukul sampai dia puas hati!tak puas hati dia hentak-hentak-hentak-hentak kepala adik kau kat dinding.Ala,adik yang kau selalu marah tuu.(xpe,aku tau ko marah sebab ko sayang kan?so keep on marah.haha(jahat gila.sayangila adik anda))
Lagilah bertambah sedih bila tengok derang tabah untuk lalui hari-hari derang.ketabahan derang jelas menunjukkan yang Iman derang sangat tinggi.derang sanggup berjuang menggunakan apa yang derang ada/ mampu.sebab derang yakin dengan syurga Allah.derang nakkan syahid.
Haa!kau yang tengah baca entri aku ni kau dah bersedia kalau Allah ambil nyawa kau sekarang?siapa yang dah sedia aku tabiiklah wey!korang memang bagus.
Aku tau aku sendiri tak sedia. Sebab apa kau tau?sebab kita ni berpenyakit beb!
“penyakit apa?’
Al-wahan.cintakan dunia dan takut mati.banyak sangat benda yang kita hajatkan kat dunia ni kan?kan?kan?
Tak salah kalau kau nak pakai Levis jeans,bums fit shirt, and converse shoes.tapi kau kena betulkan balik niat kau nak pakai tu semua untuk apa.
Paling tidak pun cubalah bersyukur apa yang korang dah pakai ni suma atas bantuan Allah.kalau korang bersyukur,Allah akan tambah kan nikmat untuk hambaNya yang bersyukur.
Ianya berhasil.aku dah lalui banyak kali.and I know you too.dont you?
Kawan sekeliling sangat mainkan peranan.Oklah,aku dah mengantuk ni.Insha Allah,next post aku cite pasal kawan pulak.Kawan aku kat AA terutamanya.
Nikon vs Canon vs Sony
I have been getting a lot of questions from our readers about whether they should pick a particular camera from Nikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax or some other manufacturer. These inquiries are only increasing over time, so I decided to post an article on what I think about different camera systems and why you should go with a particular brand versus others. Many of the questions are something like “should I go for Nikon D5000 or Canon 1000D” or similar, with readers asking me to tell them why I would recommend or pick a certain brand/type of a camera over another.
As you know, I have been mainly writing about Nikon – simply because pretty much all of my gear is from Nikon and it is the system of choice for me. Why don’t I shoot Canon or Sony? Is Nikon superior than these brands? No, not really. Read on to understand why.
Lola and I used to have some debates on camera gear in the past. She was very impressed by the beautiful imagery from wedding and portrait photographers that shot with Canon, pushing her to think that we had an inferior brand of choice. It took me a while to convince her that it was not the case and here is how I explained everything to her, which I hope will help our readers understand this topic in detail and answer questions about different camera systems.
What happens if you give the best set of painting tools to someone who does not know how to paint, and an ordinary, much inferior set of tools to a good painter? Who is going to have a better painting? The same rhetorical question is valid for photography – if you get a better camera, does it necessarily mean that you will take better pictures? No, I do not want to bring up another “camera does not matter” debate, since we are all getting tired of it.
You know what, on the other hand, let’s discuss it for a second…does the camera truly matter? It does and it doesn’t. For most people who use a camera for family snapshots, the camera does not matter. For an amateur photographer or hobbyist, it does. For a professional photographer who makes a living out of photography, it matters big time. When somebody hands a crappy camera to a good photographer, he/she will most likely be able to utilize it fully and capture great pictures. Similar to how a good painter is able to work on a painting with a low-quality set of tools. However, no photographer would want to continue working with low-end gear and no painter would want to use low-quality tools for the rest of their lives, since they know that the good tools do help them tremendously in achieving the best results that differentiate them from the rest of the competition. Ansel Adams loved to work with the best gear for a reason – he knew how to push it to its limits and get the best possible results.
I forgot where I heard or read this story, but it got stuck in my head for a while. The story goes like this. Two photographers are standing side by side and taking pictures – one is a professional photographer who makes a living selling his pictures and the other one is an amateur/hobbyist. The pro obviously shoots with a very expensive camera and lenses, while the amateur is shooting with an average camera and a kit lens. The amateur knows that the pro is famous and that he sells his pictures. At one point of time, he turns towards the pro and says “sure enough, with gear like that I bet you can get great shots that sell”. The pro tries to convince the amateur that his camera is just his tool, but the amateur keeps insisting otherwise. At one point, the pro says to the amateur “I will give you my camera gear and you give me yours. We shoot for several hours. The photographer that comes back with better images gets to keep all camera gear”. Without much thinking, the amateur just walks away…
So, when does the camera matter? If you are just getting into photography, I would say the camera you pick does not matter. If you are an amateur or hobbyist and you shoot for pleasure, having moderate to good photography skills, the camera you use does matter to a certain extent. If you are a pro making a living selling your pictures, the type of camera you use is extremely important.
Sensor size matters. No matter what some people say, sensor size does matter. There is a significant difference between a tiny sensor on a point and shoot camera and a DSLR full-frame sensor. Things like dynamic range, depth of field, viewing angles and noise all contribute to the overall quality and perception of an image and the difference is quite apparent. This difference is certainly smaller between full-frame and cropped sensor cameras, but still enough to impact the look of the photographs.
Lenses matter. The type of lens you use, its focal length, aperture and color rendition also play a huge part in how the final image comes out. You will never be able to isolate a subject with a point and shoot camera like you can with a 50mm f/1.4 lens. You cannot replicate the effect of a tilt/shift lens with an ordinary zoom lens.
The Photographer’s Eye. Finally, you have to remember that a camera is just a tool in a photographer’s bag. Without the photographer’s skill set, patience, vision, creativity, planning, timing, lighting and post-processing, even the best camera in the world will not be able to create a good picture.
Now let’s talk about different camera systems that are available today. Since the demand for DSLR cameras has been increasing significantly (just pay attention to how many people carry DSLRs in parks today), companies have been putting more money on R&D and more players have been entering the DSLR market. As of today, the current manufacturers of mainstream DSLR cameras are: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, Pentax, Leica, Samsung, Fujifilm and Sigma. With so many different brands and types of cameras to choose from, it is getting harder to choose a particular brand over another. On top of that, the new players are offering more features at lower prices, luring cost-conscious customers their way.
So, which brand should you invest in? Yes, you heard it right – invest. If you are planning to be serious about your photography, you will be buying more gear over time. Whether it is new cameras, lenses, filters, flashes or memory cards, the type of the camera system you pick is important. If you make a wrong choice, it will be very costly to sell all of your gear and replace it with a different brand. On top of that, you will have to spend some time to learn the new system and get used to it. So, going back to the question on which brand should you invest in, as I have pointed out in my “How to buy a DSLR camera” article that I wrote a while ago, I would pick between Nikon, Canon and Sony. I added Sony to the list, because the company has been releasing solid products during the last few years and uses the excellent Zeiss lenses. Choose between these three brands and you won’t go wrong. Nikon and Canon certainly lead with the widest selection of cameras, lenses and accessories, but Sony will most probably catch up pretty soon.
There are some other brands such as Olympus, Pentax and Panasonic that have also been doing well in the market, but they are still in their early stages. Olympus and Panasonic have been quite successful with their four thirds and micro four thirds systems, but again, they do not yet have a wide array of lenses to choose from at the moment. While smaller sensor systems are relatively lightweight, they just cannot match the image quality of larger sensors. Unless weight is your major concern, I would skip these types of camera systems at the moment.
Another thing you can do, is see if anyone you know already has a DSLR and ask for their suggestion and advise. If the person you are asking is a good photographer, it might be a good idea to buy the same brand camera, so that you could learn from that person and even possibly borrow gear in the future before you buy your own. This is very helpful especially if the photographer is a professional – you won’t have to surf the Internet for hours to understand something or make a decision.
No matter what camera system you pick or use today, you most likely pay a lot of attention to other brands. If you own a Nikon camera, you look at Canon cameras and compare. If you own other brands, you are probably looking at Nikon and Canon. The thing is, the grass is always greener on the other side when it comes to cameras and lenses. The topic of Canon vs Nikon, for example, always comes up between photographers. Nikonians look at some of the Canon cameras and want more megapixels, while Canonites look at some of the Nikon cameras and want less noise. Lens debates between these two brands are also endless… At the end of the day, the question you should be asking yourself is, how much better would your pictures get if you picked one brand over another (or switched from one brand to another). Most likely, the change would be very insignificant. You gain one thing and lose another. What if one brand comes up with a breakthrough product tomorrow. Are you going to switch or regret your purchase decision?
Again, think of your camera as your tool for the job. Without good technical skills and creativity, no matter what camera system you use, you will never be able to capture anything good. Read, learn, learn and learn, then experiment and shoot a lot – that’s the only way to become a better photographer. Don’t become a gearhead and buy more and more useless stuff you do not need. Once you become a better photographer, you will know exactly what you need to get the best results.
Good luck!
source: The mansurovs
p/s: Im still using my alpha.will keep on learning.
Amirul, :)
Have been long since I last post here.
Just to drop by, and say, Amirul Arif - Happy Birthday and have a nice day. You have always been a good friend. I'm sorry for all my mistakes and wrongs, sometimes I just miss our old times. Camping here and there, make fire, cut bamboos for our tent, cook uncooked dishes, Tbun, in halaqah and all the programs we had attended together.
Moga Allah limpahkan berkat dalam umur kau. I miss you.. See you soon :)
Agaknya aku wakil semua Karim, ok? Hehe.. Mirol, Happy Birthday! :) Barakallahu fiik..
Hye korang!
Ok.Karim tahu yang Karim patut tukar word “korang” kepada maybe kamu/awak/u etc sebab korang itu merujuk kepada kalian semua.Dan tak sepatutnya Karim merujuk kepada semua sebab ada ke orang yang sudi baca blog ini lagi? :( yang Karim tahu asif,abang pilot jengoklah juga blog ini.yang lain?
Hehe.No big deal people.
Ada orang baca ke,tak ada orang baca ke,itu tidak menjadi sebarang masalah.Sebab Allah tak tengok hasil,Allah tengok usaha kita.
Tengok sahaja sirah para anbia’,ramai sahaja nabi-nabi yang tidak mempunyai kudrat untuk memberi hidayah kepada umatnya.Apa yang mereka mampu ialah berdakwah dan terus berdakwah untuk menegakkan islam.Sebab yang membuka pintu hati seseorang untuk menerima ajaran Islam hanyalah Allah.
Dan harus diingat,setiap antara kita adalah Daie.(Pendakwah.orang yang menyeru ke arah kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran)
“Eh,bila masa pulak aku nak jadi pendakwah pulak ni,ish xbersedia lagilah!Diri aku sendiri pun tak betul,apalagi nak bimbing orang lain.’’
Kepada yang berkenaan,sabar dulu.Karim tahu sesetengah orang memang kurang senang dengan status tersebut,tapi nak tak nak kita tetap kene terima juga.Rasionalnya sebab apa Karim katakan setiap orang diantara kita adalah Daie ialah sebab kita ini muslim.Orang luar(non-muslim especially) tengok kita sebagai muslim.Perlakuan,pakaian,akhlak,studi,pemikiran,sukan dll semua dilihat dari aspek Islam.Kalau mereka tengok perangai muslim ini lebih kurang mereka sahaja.Macam mana diorang nak tertarik dengan islam?
Analoginya,contohlah korang bila dah besar nanti korang tiba-tiba gatai nak bukak bisnes.Bisnes baju.Sedangkan degree/diploma korang takde kaitan langsung pun dengan bisnes(takpe,yang penting halal. :D).
Tapi korang punye design baju sangatlah buruk,out-dated,typical and not attractive at all.Jadi,macam mana korang nak tarik pelanggan sedangkan design yang korang keluarkan pun same sahaja macam yang yang lain.kan?
Islam sudah sememangnya cantik.Jadi,orang yang memakai pakaian islam itu lagilah cantik.Seriouslly.Perempuan-perempuan(muslimah) yang menutup aurahnya dengan betul sangatlah sejuk hati berbanding orang yang terbukak sana dan sini.
Korang ingat lagi tak analogi ustadz isharuddin(guru sejarah sekolahku) mengenai perbezaan berlian yang disimpan didalam kotak dengan berlian yang disimpan tanpa dibalut dengan apa-apa walau secarik kain.Selepas 10 tahun,yang mana satu berlian yang menjadi pilihan korang?mestilah yang disimpan molekkan?yang lagi satu mesti dah calar-calar ke,banyak orang dah pegang ke dll.
Jadi Daie ni tak semestinya kita kene bagi ceramah POM PAM POM PAM! Dia lebih kepada menjadi diri sendiri.Kita promote islam dengan apa yang kita ada.
Kita hebat main music instruments?silekan.
Kita hebat main futsal je?silekan.
Kita tahu bergaye/melaram je?Silakan.
Kita hebat fizik/chem/maths/stats je?xpe silakan.
Kita pandai menulis?Silakan.
Kita pandai melawak? Silakan.
Kita tahu buat video yang gempak-gempak.?Silakan.
Kita tahu nak main ragbi je petang-petang?Silakan.
Dan apa jua benda yang kita tahulah.Silakan saudaraku.Tak semua orang mampu buat,apa yang kita mampu buat.Jadi,sebab itulah kita kene bersatu.Siapa lagi yang nak bangunkan balik islam kalau bukan Kita!Jangan risau.Sumbang apa yang kita mampu sumbang kepada islam.Janji mesej yang kita nak sampaikan haruslah bertepatan dengan syariat islam.
Salah satu prinsip Karim ialah “apa yang ada jelah’’.Kita bagi apa yang kita ada/mampu kepada islam.Jangan buat apa yang kita tak mampu.
Ingat Allah tak tengok hasil.Allah tengok usaha.
Show us what you’ve got!
Insha Allah Karim nak sentuh sikit pasal hati kita.Sedar atau tidak,dalam kita menjalani kehidupan kita ni,banyak dosa yg telah kita buat.Lebih-lebih lagi apabila dosa dan pahala sudah ditaklifkan ke atas diri kita(baligh).
Sahabat sekalian,
Pada khutbah jumaat tadi,terdapat 2 ayat yg begitu menyentuh hati Karim.Walaupun ayat ini Karim dah lali dengar/baca sejak sekolah rendah,tapi di saat ini ia begitu bermakna bagi diri Karim.
"Maka barangsiapa mengerjakan kebaikan seberat zarrah,niscaya dia akan melihat melihat balasannya(7) Dan barangsiapa mengerjakan kejahatan seberat zarrah,niscaya dia akan melihat balasannya"(8) (99:7,8)
Naah,setiap amal kita tetap dikira walupun sebesar zarah.Maksudnya sekecik-kecik zarah pun Allah tetap kira.Ada 2 perkara sahaja yg kita akan buat samada baik atau buruk.Dan setiap perkara yang kita lakukan itu pasti ada balasan yang tersendiri.
Jadi,lepas ni kita cuba sedaya upaya untuk mengawasi setiap tingkah laku kita.Awas,di sini bermaksud berhati/teliti .Jangan biar diri kita dikuasai musuh2 Allah.Syaitan terutamanya.
p/s: jaga akhlak kita.
Sejak akhir-akhir ni, Karim sangat kagum dengan orang yang berbangsa Cina. Ada yang baiknya yang patut kita Melayu-Islam patut contohi sikap diorang. Bukan apa, Karim tengok diorang ni kalau bab buat kerja memang bersungguh. Tekun.Rajin.Fokus.Tahu matlamat.
Sebagai contoh, dekat kawasan Karim menetap ni, ada sebuah restoran Cina . Hampir setiap kali kalau nak beli benda2 runcit mesti lalu kedai dia. Sambil-sambil lalu tu Karim tengok2 la keadaan restoran tu.ok ke x.(haha.ayat xley bla.). Dari tauke-apek sehinggala ke pekerja-pekerja diorang kat situ. Dalam kedai tu, mostly bahagian memasak bole nampak.(ala,mcm tmpt mamak tebar roti.kan kita bole nampak.haha). Tapi bahagian yg xnampak tu diorang masak ape ek?(curiousnye..)ok sori2 sambung2.

Kat bahagian luar tu adalah bahagian nasi ayam .Karim tengok cina yang buat nasi ayam punyelah tekun nak sediakan nasi ayam tu.Kalau nak potong ayam tu,dia akan pastikan pisau yang dia nak guna tu dibersihkan terlebih dahulu sebelum nak potong ayam lain. Tak macam sesetengah restoran, pisau tula potong ayam,pisau tula hentak bawang,kunyit,pisau tula yang potong cili , dan pisau tu jugakla yang potong tembikai. Tu yang kalau minum air tembikai rasa pedas, free2 je dapat rasa cili sekali.hamek kau.(haha.)
Lagi yang bestnye, aura abang cina-nasiayam ni pun transfer kat staff2 lain. Bukan yang buat air je,yang amek order-lap meja pun semangat jugak.haha.Hm,bagus3,sebenarnya apa yang Karim nampak diorang ni memang tahu matlamat diorang. Diorang tahu yang lagi kuat diorang kerja lagi banyak diorang ong.Untung-dapat duet banyak2.
Andaila diorang ini muslim,korang rasa diorang ni bersungguh-sungguh tak menjadi seorang muslim selaras tujuan hidup manusia yakni beribadah kepada Allah? Wallahua'lam.
Apa yang kita boleh belajar.Pastikan kita jelas matlamat asal kita.Tak kisahla dalam apa-apa pekerjaan pun.Perbaiki niat kita dari semasa ke semasa(Redha Allah).Bersungguh dan semangat tu penting.Tapi,semangat itu perlu diawasi dengan "kewarasan" aqal.Pastikan kita sedar dan tahu apa yang kita sedang buat.
Insha Allah sama-sama kita cube. senyumikhlas.